October 19, 2003

In training for the doughnut decathalon.

Arshad drew my attention to an informal and ongoing doughnut-eating contest at our old haunt, Voodoo Doughnuts.

If not an art form, Voodoo Doughnut has at least turned doughnut eating into a sport.

I never realised that doughnut eating had entered the competitive arena of, say, oyster eating. People really take pride in putting back ridiculous quantities of often-terrible food; I recall the time I was cycling through Wisconsin and one of the friendly hammerheads I was riding with suggested we stop at a pub for lunch. I ended up taking a tshirt away with me from State St. Brats in Madison for having consumed the "Big-Ass Burger" in under 30 minutes (they sat me at the bar with a huge photo timer and a bunch of people watched. In admiration? In disgust?) I have since learned never to eat food requiring me to sign a disclaimer.

Posted to deep-fried by salim at 08:41 AM