May 11, 2005

These are the people that you meet Pt XI

What a convivial ride to work I had this morning: while I was pedalling through the city, I stopped at a red light with a handful of other cyclists. The fellow on my left, riding a fire-engine red track frame, looked at me and said, "Great day for riding, isn't it?" I concurred, and said, "They almost always are." Then, thinking about the ride home last night, added: "Sometimes the roads make for rough going." He laughed and agreed. What happened last night? Well, jimg and I met up at Giordano Bros. to sample their wings (dry but yummy) and rode home on roads reminiscent of Pittsburgh: full of potholes and patches.
At Menlo Park, I saw a familiar fixie get on the train, armed with a cup full of Borrone coffee: Mike and I chatted for a bit, and then rode together from San Antonio to Shoreline Amphitheatre. The weather was warm, and comfortably so.

Someday I will run in to Kent Peterson, who does nothing but ride bicycles and obsessively write about it.

Posted to bicycle by salim at 10:53 AM